Ethiopia: Bedhatu Jibicho’s Organic Natural
Introducing our Organic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee with notes of lemon, jasmine, and blueberry. This fruity and floral coffee is perfect for spring and summer because of its refreshing and juicy quality. This natural process coffee is harvested in Ethiopia on an 82 acre woman-owned farm.
Farmer Bedhatu Jibicho is producing amazing coffee crops at 81 years old. Bedhatu works alongside her adult children who help run the farm, and she is able to pass down her knowledge of producing quality coffee. This family owned farm is continuing to succeed, with a need for seasonal workers and a significant impact being made in the local community.
As the creators of Girl Coffee, we chose to roast these beans specifically, not only because they are organic and woman produced, but also because of their incredible quality and flavor profile. We know you will love drinking this coffee no matter how you choose to enjoy it!